


Université Toulouse Jean Jaurès

Thèmes de recherche

This PhD is part of the CNRS Joint Research Program Homini'Karst (Paleoenvironments and taphonomy of early human occupation in the fossiliferous karsts of Botswana) led by Laurent Bruxelles (UMR5608 TRACES) and will be co-directed by Jean-Baptiste Fourvel (CNRS CRCN, UMR7269 LAMPEA). The project is based on scientific collaboration between archaeologists, geoarchaeologists and paleontologists around research programs in South Africa and Botswana aimed at characterizing and modelling the paleo-ecosystem contexts within which ancient hominins (Australopithecus, Paranthropus, early Homo) appeared and evolved. This is a major subject that addresses current questions of the Homo genus in Plio-Pleistocene ecosystems. Modelling the paleoenvironmental context in Southern Africa paves the way for understanding phenomena occurring in other parts of the continent, notably East Africa. The environmental upheavals at the origin the ecological position of hominins is not confined to Southern Africa Africa, but its study is a prerequisite for tackling the issue on an even broader geographical scale.

This doctoral thesis will amongst others entail the sourcing and review of unpublished documents drawn from various field operations carried out in the Gcwihaba Hills and Koanaka Hills (north-western Botswana, near the Namibian border). This may be expanded as future operations are carried out. The paleontological material collected from the study area will undergo a specific treatment (mechanical or chemical extraction) with regard to preservation conditions (fossilized material in a sedimentary breccia gangue). All micro-vertebrate bone remains collected will be subjected to prior paleontological analysis (identification) in order to characterize the material/ in order to characterize the spectrum. Taxonomic and taphonomic characterization will provide a wealth of paleoenvironmental and chronological information. These data will be put into perspective with similar data from the study of large mammalian fauna.

Activités / CV

Graduated from the University of Botswana with Bachelor of Arts in Archaeology and Masters of Science in Zooarchaeology from the University of York (2009) in UK. For over 10 years I have been working as a registered professional archaeologist involved in undertaking archaeological surveys, planning and implementation of archaeological projects, excavations in the field of archaeology and more recently paleontology where I volunteered and worked with international researchers in excavating and analysing fossilized microfaunal remains and dealing with community stakeholder issues.

Initial training : Completed MSc in Zooarchaeology where I acquired training and skills on taphonomic analysis, quantification, sorting and species identification,

2021-2023- Participation in Human Origins in Botswana and Homini'Karst research projects - both in France and Botswana - trained in surveying for fossilized breccia, excavations and inventory of floating and in situ faunal remains, sorting of micro fauna, photogrammetry and sectional mapping amongst others.

Further training : The schedule is not yet set for further training. A training plan will be developed and defined further in the first year of this thesis in relation to the Doctoral School training plan

Site web / réseaux sociaux :

Linkedin : www.linkedin.com/in/one-tshukudu-a3a0975

Twitter : @tshukud69812

Publications extraites de HAL affiliées à TRACES : UMR 5608