Rock Art Masterclass at University of Western Australia

Publié le 8 juillet 2024 Mis à jour le 8 juillet 2024
le 24 juillet 2024
10h - 15h
Archaeology Fishbowl (Social Sciences), 35 Stirling Hwy, Crawley WA 6009, Australia

with Camille Bourdier

This Masterclass is directed at rock art researchers and practitioners interested in the intersections between people and plants (as seen in rock art) and those interested in challenges and opportunities at world heritage rock art properties.
Dr Camille Boudier is an archaeologist, rock art specialist and senior lecturer at Université Toulouse II - Jean Jaurès. Her research considers the rock art of past hunter-gatherers’ societies in France (Cussac Cave), and in Southern Africa (Zimbabwe) where she supervises an international interdisciplinary program on the Matopos World Heritage Living Landscape. Her visit aims to contribute to the development of two research axes central in her research and those conducted Centre for Rock Art Research + Management.